Radio Theater

Tex Murphy Radio Theater – Part ONE

Release Date: 2001


When last we saw our hero at the end of Overseer, he and long-time elusive love interest Chelsee Bando had finally gone out on their first official date. And just when we thought Tex might finally get to second base, we were blindsided by a shocking and ruthless cliffhanger. Will we learn the answer to the biggest question of all: what was the fate of our hero and his leading lady?

Tex Murphy Radio Theater – Part TWO

Release Date: 2022


June, 2043 – several weeks after Tex wrapped up the Pandora Directive case. You’ll hear what happened in the days before Tex and Chelsee’s dinner date, including a new case that showed up at Tex’s door, leading him (and Chelsee) on a hunt for a rare Enigma Machine document that may be a map to lost Romanov treasure and a secret that’s been buried for 150 years.